Tag personal essay


One of the most important words in the English language is “Why”. It’s such a simple word, yet it’s analogue can be found in every language. The underlying concept for the question appears to be unique to humans – it… Continue Reading →


I’ve heard the term “woke” a lot lately, often spouted by politicians or from voice-overs in political ads. I admit that I didn’t know the meaning of the term, but it seemed to be used as a pejorative as if… Continue Reading →

History and Education

Men have been at war with each other during all of recorded history. It is an unfathomable aspect of human history that man can build a complex, enlightened society and burn it all to the ground based on whim, rumor,… Continue Reading →

A Life That Matters

[Listen to the audio version by using the player below.] How can one life matter – how can my life matter? Many of us have paused during our busy lives to pose this question and others like it. But how… Continue Reading →

On Race and Politics

[Listen to the audio version by using the player below.] I live in Levittown Pennsylvania a suburb of Philadelphia built in the 1950s. The creation of this community was considered a marvel at the time but in its early years… Continue Reading →


We risk becoming spectators instead of participants in events evolving around us.


[Listen to the audio version by using the player below.] What is consciousness really? Is it merely the function of the brain that has its origins in the organic processes of that organ? Is there something spiritual about the nature… Continue Reading →

Fields of Stone

[Listen to the audio version by using the player below.] My father was an alcoholic from whom I learned many lessons. In some cases, they were lessons about what not to do or what not to be; the negative example… Continue Reading →

Playing the Long Game – A Personal Reflection

[Listen to the audio version by using the player below.] I have stopped worrying about trying to accumulate personal accomplishments. When I was young, I was an ass, driven to survive chaos and dysfunction. By the time I was a… Continue Reading →

Evolution of Evolution

[Listen to the audio version by using the player below.] Charles Darwin taught us much about evolution. His voyages, research, and observations provided the basis for his conviction of the common origins of Man with other species and brought ‘natural… Continue Reading →

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