Category Personal Essay


Recently we both read Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave for the first time. As a father and daughter from different generations, neither of us were introduced to this history in school. What follows are reactions… Continue Reading →

The Tree

In 1969, when I turned 21, I was working for Lucas Lumber in Levittown Pennsylvania, which was a family-owned retail lumber business. They sold hardware and paint and such, but also ran a small millwork shop for a variety of… Continue Reading →


One of the most important words in the English language is “Why”. It’s such a simple word, yet it’s analogue can be found in every language. The underlying concept for the question appears to be unique to humans – it… Continue Reading →


I’ve heard the term “woke” a lot lately, often spouted by politicians or from voice-overs in political ads. I admit that I didn’t know the meaning of the term, but it seemed to be used as a pejorative as if… Continue Reading →

History and Education

Men have been at war with each other during all of recorded history. It is an unfathomable aspect of human history that man can build a complex, enlightened society and burn it all to the ground based on whim, rumor,… Continue Reading →

New Normal

How many times have we heard the term “New Normal” when we’ve seen images or heard accounts of western wildfires, mid-west tornados, eastern floods, and diminishing polar ice caps? My internal reaction to the statement is to say, “Not so… Continue Reading →

The Mary Affect

I guess you might call her an influencer but I just call it “The Mary Affect” in my circle. Mary is my youngest sister. This doesn’t mean she’s a youngster – just my youngest sister.  She shares lots of what… Continue Reading →

Reiki Refresher

Finally, my first after-retirement class. Its 17 years since I received my Level II Reiki certificate and I’ve done very little with it since. From time to time though, I’d send Reiki to those who have asked for prayers. Healing… Continue Reading →

A Life That Matters

[Listen to the audio version by using the player below.] How can one life matter – how can my life matter? Many of us have paused during our busy lives to pose this question and others like it. But how… Continue Reading →

Help Wanted

[Listen to the audio version by using the player below.] There are a lot of “Help Wanted” signs posted around Levittown. For this solidly blue-collar area that we live in, I wondered why. I think the answers may have roots… Continue Reading →

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