It seems inevitable that many of us will be driving electric vehicles (EVs) in the not-too-distant future. Every major car manufacturer is moving feverishly in that direction. Ford’s bet-the-company decision to take their most popular vehicle, the F-150 pick-up, into that future is a case in point. Their design, which will power the needs of contractors and even their homes in a pinch, is simply brilliant. When we start buying all of these electric vehicles, we have to make arrangements to keep them charged. It’s likely that most charging will be done at our homes while we are fast asleep. Yet cars are made for travel and charging enroute will be required just like gas fill-ups are today.

EV charging stations are popping up around Levittown and as time goes by, we’ll see more of them until they become commonplace. They are often overlooked and are as small, if not smaller than a soda machine. Below is a picture of one at the Middletown Township Municipal Building.

Charging Station at the Middletown Township Municipal Complex

If you are moving in the direction of an EV in the near future, consider the following:

  • Charging at work is ideal since your car will be sitting around with nothing to do during your work shift. You might as well put it to work too. Ask your employer about their plans for charging stations. Multiple companies make them and may cost share the installation.
  • Be aware of locations where you or your car spends blocks of time such as at grocery stores, shopping areas, movie theaters, train stations, schools, or parks. Ask about plans at these places to install charging stations.
  • If you live in a multi-family housing setting such as an apartment or townhouse, ask to have charging stations installed.

Charging stations are now mapped so that travelers can navigate to their locations. On-board software in EVs or on your phone can get you where you need to go. Maps are accessible through various sites. Below is one available through the US Department of Energy:

Enjoy the ride.


Kevin Deeny