My wife and I like to take walks on a regular basis in the area’s community parks. On occasion, we’ve taken our grandchildren with us when their school schedule permits. On one such day, the kids came across a few pennies lying on the walkway and were delighted by their discovery. They were impressed by how shiny and new the pennies were and quickly squirreled them away in their pockets. For the duration of the walk their hands would each reach into a pocket and find comfort in knowing that the penny was still there. Such a simple thing added to the joy of their day.

During the walk, I explained the lore about finding a penny which was memorialized in the movie Grease;

                Find a penny, pick it up.

                All day long you’ll have good luck.

They were convinced in what a good thing it was to find a Lucky Penny and on future walks, kept an eye peeled in the hope of finding luck again.

I am not sure of precisely when, but we talked about what a nice thing it is to offer someone a good day, perhaps even a lucky day and we decided to leave lucky pennies of our own on the trail to wish the finder a good day, a lucky day.

For a few years now we’ve been watchful when receiving change at the store and have searched through stashes of coins destined for the piggy bank to find the shiniest and newest pennies. Now when we take our walks, we place a few pennies in our favorite places along the trails for others to find. They are always found. It is a simple joy.

Enjoy the day.

Kevin Deeny